
My most commonly used materials are copper, silver, river stones, and wool. I love the warmth of copper and the endless color variations that are possible. I try to contrast the hard processed qualities of the metal with softer unexpected textile materials. My ideas mostly come from nature and the world around me. I’m inspired by texture and form. I try to create objects of adornment and natural beauty. I use combinations of organic and processed materials, manipulating them to simulate organic objects and surface textures. Through teaching I am constantly trying new materials and processes and enjoy combining materials in unexpected ways. Each piece that I make is unique. Though I have a few designs that I go back to again and again I always change some aspect of the piece and generally prefer to experiment with new designs. I work in small batches when I have time to create and then participate in shows through McColl Center or JMAC (Jewelry and Metal Artists of the Carolinas).